Welcome to Steve Lovell Green Spaces

With 30 years experience of wildlife garden design, soft landscaping, lecturing, adult education and more recently as a nature guide please select the service you would like below.

After many months of giving Zoom talks we are now offering our live presentations and zoom talks are still available on request.


We are ambassadors for Opticron binoculars and telescopes - Order Here - Use code SLGS10 for a 10% Discount.

Coming Soon!

From Clowns to Cuckoos

A personal diary of nature existing in a Covid world

Available Soon

By Steve Lovell

GREENSPACES is PROUD to SUPPORT and PROMOTE the following organisations with donations from trips and tours being made to support worthwhile conservation projects.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
You are probably aware that the GDPR comes into force on 25th May 2018. I value your privacy and want you to be clear about the data I collect and store, how I use this and the rights you have to control that information. I have updated my privacy policy to reflect the changes introduced - this can be accessed from my website, I encourage you to read this privacy policy.  To access it please click here

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